Booking Conditions
1. A separate security deposit of £250 per each holiday booked is required in case of, for example, damage to the property or its contents. However, the sum reserved by this clause does not limit your liability to us. We will account to you for the security deposit and refund the balance due at the end of your rental period.
2. The rental period shall commence at 1pm on the first day and finish at 9.00am on the last day. We will not be obliged to offer the accommodation before the time stated to you and you will not be entitled to remain in occupation after the time stated. On your last day you must have vacated by 9.00am sharp please.
3. The maximum number to reside in the fishing lodge must not exceed 8 people (10 if young children use Cot or Bunk Beds provided).
4. You agree to be a considerate tenant and to take good care of the fishing lodge & lake.
5. You agree to leave the fishing lodge in a clean and tidy condition at the end of the rental period. We reserve the right to make a retention from the security deposit to cover the additional cleaning costs if you leave the fishing lodge in an unacceptable condition. You also agree not to act in any way which would cause disturbance to those resident in neighbouring properties.
6. You will report to us without delay any defects in the fishing lodge or breakdown in the equipment or appliances in the fishing lodge or grounds, and arrangements for repair/and or replacement will be made as soon as possible.
7. We will not be liable to you for: 1) Any temporary defect or stoppage in the supply of public services to the fishing lodge, nor in respect to any equipment or appliance in the fishing lodge or garden. 2) Any loss, damage or injury which is the result of adverse weather conditions, riot, war, strikes or other matters beyond our control 3) Any loss, damage or inconvenience caused to or suffered by you if the fishing lodge or lake shall be destroyed or substantially damaged before the start of the rental period and in any such event. No refunds.
8. You agree to abide by the lake rule and house rules.
9. All payments made to La Bourgonniere are non-refundable.
10. An amendment admin fee will be charged for changing date of your holiday of £150.00. Please note amendments to your holiday will not be accepted within 4 months before your trip.
11. Any missed payments ( as pre your designated payment schedule) could result in your holiday being cancelled with no refund.
This agreement shall be governed by English law in every particular including formation and interpretation and shall be deemed to have been made in England.